Tony's Hiking Adventure

Bypassing the Snow on San Jacinto

PCT Map Miles 168.6
Miles Hiked 121.5
Elevation 7,133 feet
Miles Hiked Today 11.3

A decision needs to be made today.  That decision is whether or not to go over the entirety of San Jacinto mountain’s peak where there is still plenty of deep snow.  As a lone hiker, I’m somewhat of an anomaly. Other hikers are grouping together to do the mountain top.  Unfortunately, my slow pace can’t keep up with them, so I hike alone.  That means I would have to do the top in the snow by myself.  I chose not to do that.  I believe I could go through with no problem,  but if there was one, no one would know, and there would be no one to help.  So, I’m taking the PCT alternative, which is Spitler Trail.  It leads down the mountain to a highway where I can catch a ride onto Idyllwild.

The day started going up again.  I had very little water.  The last water I got was two liters at Paradise Valley Cafe.  I took my time because of the continuing problem with my right leg.  The Spitler Trail junction was reached a little after noon.  I headed down the PCT alternative.  Spitler Trail was well groomed, and there were other fresh boot prints, so I’m not the only one avoiding the snow. 

About two miles down the trail, a strong flowing stream appeared.  It crossed the trail several times and on the second crossing, I filled up with two liters of water.  I was really thirsty having rationed water all day, so I drank probably a liter right away.

The bottom of the trail was reached at 4 PM.  I decided not to try to get to Idyllwild and found a campsite close by the trailhead.  There was water there, too.  That was a good thing, because I finished off the two liters I got further up Spitler Trail

Tomorrow, I’ll be in Idyllwild.


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