Hexacuba Shelter
Mile 1,777.4Elevation 2,205.0 feetMiles Hiked 12.0 I decided to split from hiking with Riz. He wanted to do more miles than I do, so he
Just lookin’ for an excuse…
Mile 1,777.4Elevation 2,205.0 feetMiles Hiked 12.0 I decided to split from hiking with Riz. He wanted to do more miles than I do, so he
Mile 1,765.4Elevation 1,339.0 feetMiles Hiked 16.7 Riz and I left the hotel at 7:00 AM. The air conditioning last night didn’t work that well, and
Mile 1,748.70Elevation 525.0 feetMiles Hiked 9.7 Riz and I left the Barn about 6:00 AM and headed for Hanover. The trail was up and down
Mile 1,739.0Elevation 371.0 feetMiles Hiked 19.8 I left the Lookout Shelter with Riz and Jelly just after 6:00 AM. They were trying to get to
Mile 1,719.2Elevation 2,438.0 feetMiles Hiked 17.9 The Inn At Long Trail was nice, but the rain had stopped, so it was time to get back
Mile 1,703.9 Elevation 2,162.0 feet Miles Hiked 3.9 It rained all night in the shelter and was still raining in the morning. I was hoping
Mile 1,700.0Elevation 2,575.0 feetMiles Hiked 14.8 I was off by 7:00 AM. I’m obsessing about a 2,500 foot climb, which is the biggest climb since
Mile 1,685.2Elevation 1,230.0 feetMiles Hiked 16.9 The goal today is to get close to the town of Rutland. Wednesday and Thursday it is supposed to
Mile 1,668.3Elevation 1,496.0 feetMiles Hiked 16.5 Jeff from Green Mountain House Hostel dropped several hikers including myself at the trailhead at 8:15 AM. I was
Mile 1,651.8Elevation 735.0 feetHiked 10.6 This was a slow morning for me. The plan was to only go eight miles to the next shelter. I have