Tony's Hiking Adventure

Hogback Ridge Shelter

Hogback Ridge Shelter

Mile 315.2 
Elevation 4,262
Miles Hiked 5.8

Got up early at the Hiker Paradise Hostel. After eating breakfast, I decided to hang around until noon. That would give me time to soak my ankle in the mountain stream again.

I really felt bad for the hostel owner who was still grousing about the money he lost when the two hikers skipped out on him and a tab over $50.  When I checked out, I told him to charge an extra $40 on my bill.  I would cover most of what he lost.  At first he declined, but eventually he agreed.  The hostel was no Hiker Hostel or Top or Georgia, but it was a good place to stay and he was a good guy.  I didn’t want him to get a bad opinion of all hikers.

The ankle swelling is down considerably and with my boot not tightly tied, I was able to get back on the trail at Rector Laurel Road. I took it slow and made Hogback Ridge Shelter by 4:30 PM. A hike of only 6 miles.

Tomorrow I’ll be going to Big Bald, which will be my last hike before heading to Trail Days.

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