Teahorse Hostel, Harper’s Ferry, WV
Teahorse Hostel Bunkroom Mile 1,023.8 Elevation 282 feetMiles Hiked 9.4 I’m here! Harper’s Ferry – the end of the trail for now. The last few days
Just lookin’ for an excuse…
Teahorse Hostel Bunkroom Mile 1,023.8 Elevation 282 feetMiles Hiked 9.4 I’m here! Harper’s Ferry – the end of the trail for now. The last few days
David Lesser Memorial Pavillon food prep area Mile 1,014.4 Elevation 1,391Miles Hiked 11.3 Another late, 9:00 AM, start to the day was on the schedule.
Bear Den Hostel Bunk Room Mile 1,003.1 Elevation 1,335 feetMiles Hiked 2.9 Cuisine and I are headed for a hostel. A hostel stop was not in
Sam Moore Shelter Cooking Pavilion Mile 1,000.2 Elevation 938Miles Hiked 15.3 Hurray! I went over 1,000 miles hiking the Appalachian Trail. Of course, actual mileage
There are two shelters here. The newer one is pictured here. In this picture you see the work crew who built it. I actually stayed
Mile 966.8 Elevation 1,923 Miles Hiked 10.5 I exited Shenandoah National Park today. It was another short day in keeping with my plan to take
Mile 956.3 Elevation 2,497 Miles Hiked 14.3 I got a good night’s sleep at the hostel last night and by 8:30 AM Alison was driving
Mile 942.0 Elevation 804 Miles Hiked 3.2 This is a town day. I have my last provision package waiting for me at the hostel, and
Mile 938.8 Elevation 3,251 Miles Hiked 10.9 I went over the 400 mile mark for this year’s hike. Well surprisingly, last night went pretty good.
Mile 927.9 Elevation 3,383 Miles Hiked 10.9 Last night at the Bearfence Hut was a nightmare. An older woman staying at the shelter made herself