Tony's Hiking Adventure

Teahorse Hostel, Harper’s Ferry, WV

Teahorse Hostel

Mile 1,023.8  
Elevation 282 feet
Miles Hiked 9.4

I’m here!  Harper’s Ferry – the end of the trail for now.  The last few days all I could think about was getting off the trail.  Tonight, I find myself wondering if I should come back in the fall for a couple of weeks and do 200 more miles.  Talk about conflicted.

I left the last shelter late, 9:00 AM.  The hike was on relatively flat terrain; however, there were a lot of rocks, which slowed me down.  After a while, the rocks had finally got me, and I could feel pain in my right ankle.  I walked  (hobbled) on and took a side trail to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s headquarters.  Cuisine was just behind me, so I waited for him as we crossed the Shenandoah River.  Together we reached the ATC visitor center. 

Shenandoah River

The ATC’S mission is to preserve and maintain the entire Appalachian Trail.  The visitor center serves as a meeting and resting place for hikers. The center also serves as the spiritual halfway point of the trail.  The actual halfway point is a little further north down the trail.

I had my picture taken for the ATC’s 2017 year book.  As I looked through the 2016 yearbook, I found Jogwalker’s picture.  I had hiked with her last year in Georgia and North Carolina.

That's me outside the ATC. My backpack and trekking poles are right next to me. This photo will appear in the ATC's 2017 hiker yearbook.

Cuisine, Waffle, myself and another hiker walked down to an Italian restaurant after our time at the ATC.  There’s nothing like a good pasta dinner (no more pizza) after a long hike.

I checked into the Teahorse Hostel about 3:30 PM and settled in for the night.  I’ll have  Saturday to explore Harper’s Ferry and then I catch a plane for home Sunday in the early evening.

And that’s all – for now! 

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