Tony's Hiking Adventure

End of a Hike – Durango

Tony at the southern terminus of the Colorado Trail
Tony at the southern terminus of the Colorado Trail after finishing a thru-hike

Miles Hiked 485
Elevation 6,619 feet
Miles Hiked Today 6.7

As excited as I should be to finish, I was in no rush this morning.   I took my time and ate breakfast, and after breaking down camp, started hiking at 8:30 AM.  The trail was easy as it was either going down or level.

My goal of course is to finish the trail, but the more immediate goal is to reach Gudy’s Rest.  Gudy Gaskill was a lady who is called the mother of the Colorado Trail.  She was a driving force behind the trail’s creation.  Gudy’s rest is a must stop for all hikers at mile 481.  I reached it in an hour and had a seat for a rest.

After a short stop at Gudy’s rest, I continued on.  Only four miles to go.

This short video says the rest.

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