Tony's Hiking Adventure

Pine Ellis Lodge, Andover, ME – Hike Ending

Pine Ellis Hiker Lodge
Pine Ellis Hiker Lodge


I had been at Pine Ellis Hiker Lodge since I left the trail on July 7.  There was something definitely wrong.  I’m not going to get into all the gory details of my symptoms.  Just suffice it to say that I guessed I had giardia.  Giardia is a parasite that wreaks havoc on the digestive system.  (Edit:  I found out later it was more likely I had Covid 19 as I tested positive a few weeks later, but it is still uncertain that is what I had in Maine).

Whatever I had, it kept me in bed at the hostel.  After a few days, I accepted the realization that I would have to go home.  There are no medical facilities in Andover and not even a doctor.  In the days leading up to my plane flight home on July 12th, I ate a skinny hot dog and a few fries.  That is nearly five days with almost no food, and I still didn’t have an appetite.

David, the driver at Pine Ellis Hiker Lodge, drove me to the airport on July 12th and I caught a flight home.  This is all very disappointing.  I got hurt in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in 2018.  I strained a hamstring in southern Maine in 2019.  Maine was closed due to the coronavirus in 2020, so I could finish the trail then, either.  And now this latest setback.  I am having no luck in the state of Maine.

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