Tony's Hiking Adventure

500 Miles!

AZT Map Miles 514.2
Miles Hiked 503.9
Elevation 1,896 feet
Miles Hiked Today 15.1

I had a great campsite last night high up on the trail.  I could see Phoenix in the distance.  Phoenix is actually north of me now as I continue south.  

The target today is 15 to 16 miles.  I was up early and hiking by 6:45 AM.  The trail was not difficult, and I made good time in the morning.  However, the afternoon was hot and the heat sapped my energy.  I thought I could do about 18 miles but ended up with less.  I took several breaks in the heat and that’s what slowed me down.  Despite that, as you can see, I went over the 500 trail mile mark today.

Kearney is the next town.  I had no plans to go there, but now I’m considering it.  Anything to breakup the drudgery and hide from the high temps.

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