Buildings in the Colossal Cave atea.
AZT Map Miles 668.4
Miles Hiked 658.1
Elevation 3,428 feet
Miles Hiked Today 7.0
Even though there was no rush, I was on my way by 7:15 AM. I’m headed to the Hampton Suites. I have a provisions box at the Vail post office, but I can’t access it until Monday morning. So, I get to take a shower, do laundry and relax. I’m a mess, so I’m looking forward to getting cleaned up.
I took my time getting to the Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead. That’s where I’ll leave the trail. According to Expedia, I can’t check into Hampton Suites until 4 PM. I arrived at the trailhead just before noon. That’s okay. It will take time to get a hitch. The hotel is 10 miles away. Nope. I asked a family leaving the trailhead for a ride and they agreed. Even though they were going in the opposite direction, they gave me a ride right to the Hampton lobby entrance. Nice people!
So now it’s noon and there are no rooms ready, but one will be by 12:30. I walked over to a Burger King and ate lunch, and when I returned, a room was ready. What great timing. The rest of the day was cleaning up and laundry. I still haven’t figured out how to get to Vail and then the trail tomorrow.