Tony's Hiking Adventure

Acton & The KOA Campground

This is a group of hikers who have frequently crossed paths on the trail. Mike and Steve are in the picture, too.

PCT Map Miles 444.3
Miles Hiked 383.1
Elevation 2,245 feet
Miles Hiked Today 7.2

The morning was still cold when I woke up at the ranger camp.  I broke camp and was under way by 7 AM.  I wanted to get hiking to warm up.  Mike and Steve followed me out of camp.

The target today is the KOA Campground in Acton.  I’m not too keen on going because of the bad hiker reviews.  Particularly concerning is their lack of dependable Internet service.

My tail was really dragging after an hour.  The trail was doing a lot of short, steep ascents and descents.  I think the trail designers are masochistic. 

As I neared the Acton, this little old lady with a full backpack passed me going in the opposite direction.  She could barely walk and the trail ahead was quite dangerous.  It was eroded and very steep.  I learned later she was hiking with her daughter who was far ahead of her.  Additionally, the old lady threw up her breakfast on the trail.  A very bad situation.

I arrived at the Acton trailhead late morning.  There was trail magic there, so I grabbed a soda and some cookies.  There were quite a few hikers who just arrived after Mike and I.  After awhile, Mike, Steve and I walked a short distance to the campground.  We looked into renting a cabin, but they were ridiculously expensive.  I guess KOA prefers them empty rather than lower the price.  Anyway, I put up my tent, took a much needed shower and did laundry.  And as other hikers had warned, the Internet was not usable.

LA RV Resort map

Later all the hikers made an excursion into town.  We mailed home extra equipment at the post office, and then went to the 49er Saloon for dinner.  I’m stuffed and ready for bed.

49er Saloon – good food

Tomorrow Aqua Dulce.

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