Tony's Hiking Adventure

California’s State Plant – the Dead Tree

PCT Map Miles 502.4
Miles Hiked 441.1
Elevation 5,617 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.2

My campsite was great last night.  I slept like a baby.  So, it was hard pulling myself away in the morning but I did and was on my way at 6:30.

The terrain was different today.  Instead of miles and miles of scrub brush and sand cliffs on which to hike, there was an actual dirt trail and trees.  Of course most of the trees were burned and dead but trees just the same.  I’ve concluded that California should declare the burned and dead tree its official plant.  They sure have enough of them.

Live trees!

And if California doesn’t like the idea of a burned and dead tree as it’s official plant, then it should be a poodle dog bush.  These poisonous plants quickly fill in a burned out forest.  Today, I had to get water from a cistern on the trail.  Of course, the way to the cistern was covered with poodle dog bush.  I had to walk the length of a downed tree to get to the water.  Had I fallen, it would have been into a forest of the poisonous plant.

Poodle dog bush

I should have hiked further today.  I’m still mindful of my dwindling supplies and need to get to Tehachapi.  Still, I was tired from a climb that lasted the afternoon, so I stopped at another water source for the night.

Not so well maintained. That’s a big, deep gap in the trail.

Tomorrow I have to decide whether to go to go to Hiker Town or skip it and take the chance that I’ll have enough food to get to Tehachapi.

Went over 500 trail miles today!

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