Tony's Hiking Adventure

The PCT Northern Terminus

PCT Map Miles 11.2
Miles Hiked 41.8
Elevation 6,401 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.9

A little clarification on the PCT map miles.  As explained in the first post, I was hiking northbound until I reached the northern terminus on the US/Canadian border.  Today that happened and now I’m southbound on the trail.

This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m.  Today is the day that I am goimg to the Northern terminus of the PCT.  I decided to leave my tent and all of my heavier gear at the campsite.  I threw a couple of essentials in my backpack and headed out at exactly 6:00 a.m. for the terminus monument.

The trail was all down and without the heavier items in my backpack I was able to make good time.  I arrived at the terminus monument at 7:40 a.m. having hiked 3.7 miles.  This is where I could use my selfie stick but I didn’t bring it of course.  Sure I carried it on just about every other hike I’ve done, but I decided to leave it at home because of the weight.  Anyway, I took a series of awkward selfies.  None of them were any good but I posted a couple anyway.

After goofing off at the terminus for about 15 minutes I turn around and officially began my southound PCT hike.  I got back to my tent at the campsite about 9:45.  I couldn’t refuse it.  I got into my tent and laid down for about 15 minutes.  The hike back from the terminus wore me out, so I took the opportunity to rest.

About 11:00 a.m. I was ready to go after closing up camp and packing my backpack.  Today’s hike would take me up for most of the day.  Just what I need to abuse my legs more.

Toward the end of the day I passed by a young African American woman just sitting on the trail.  I didn’t think anything of it, especially since I do it on occasion myself.  However, around 4:00 PM I stopped for water before I arrived at the night’s campsite, and another hiker arrived who also needed water.  We got to talking and he mentioned the woman still sitting on the trail.  She was many miles from a campsite and I fear she was in trouble.  Unfortunately there is nothing that I could do.  I haven’t had a cell phone signal since I started the trail.

I arrived at the campsite at 5:00 PM.  No one was there and no one came in after me.  The whole campsite is mine.


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