Tony's Hiking Adventure

Closing in on Durango

Miles Hiked 444.3 
Elevation 10,427 feet 
Miles Hiked Today 18.5

It was cold as usual this morning. After breakfast, I took down my tent, and I was on the way by 7:15 AM. The day started out with rather modest gains in elevation, but then the trail went up to 12,000 feet. I still have not acclimated to the altitude and probably never will. Consequently, I had trouble breathing for the rest of the day.

There was the requisite hail storm to deal with in the afternoon. I had just crossed a pass, which is always scary and dangerous in a storm. Anyway, I made it and headed for a lower elevation and trees to get out of the hail.

Towards the end of the day, I loaded up on water – three liters. There will be no reliable water for about 20 miles.

I hiked a little longer than usual, and finally found a campsite at 5:30. It has a great view, and no one else has joined me as of 8:30 PM.

Only 40 miles to the end of the trail and Durango!

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