The Four Peaks Wilderness
AZT Map Miles 425.0Miles Hiked 414.7Elevation 5,584 feetMiles Hiked Today 14.0 Up and on the trail by 7:10 AM. The trail was going up but
Just lookin’ for an excuse…
AZT Map Miles 425.0Miles Hiked 414.7Elevation 5,584 feetMiles Hiked Today 14.0 Up and on the trail by 7:10 AM. The trail was going up but
Azt Map Miles 411.0Miles Hiked 400.7Elevation 5,502 feetMiles Hiked Today 10.0 I stayed at the Majestic Mountain Inn last night. Very nice place and a
Zero Day Well last night was a blast. A cow wandered into the area where I was camped. It continued mooing all night long. Just
Azt Map Miles 401.0Miles Hiked 390.7Elevation 3,442 feetMiles Hiked Today 13.2 Well, the “not good” campsite I picked last night lived up to my prognosis.
Azt Map Miles 387.8Miles Hiked 377.5Elevation 5,194 feetMiles Hiked Today 18.0 I was up and hiking by 6:30 AM. I’m still concerned about my leg,
Azt Map Miles 369.8Miles Hiked 359.5Elevation 5,709 feetMiles Hiked Today 13.9 Camp was closed and packed up by 6:30 AM. Within an hour, I shed
Azt Map Miles 355.9Miles Hiked 345.6Elevation 5,190 feetMiles Hiked Today 10.3 I packed up and left by 7 AM. I’m completely out of water, so
Azt Map Miles 345.6Miles Hiked 335.3Elevation 4,593 feetMiles Hiked Today 15.9 Last night I got a call from Dawn. She read my blog and found
Today was a zero day – a day with no hiking. I’d like to say I relaxed all day and did nothing, but that would
10/20/2021Azt Map Miles 329.2Miles Hiked 319.4Elevation 5,373Miles Hiked Today 8.5 It was really cold this morning. At least freezing if not colder. Dawn and I